Van Leeuwen

Seminar "Constructing with Tubes" appealed to complete supply chain

On September 12, 2018 Van Leeuwen organized a seminar for all stakeholders in the steel construction industry, together with the Dutch Association "Constructing with Steel". All members of this association, ranging from architects, engineers and advisors to steel construction companies, were invited. It offered all participants a unique opportunity to get in touch with everyone involved and interested in the use of steel tubes for constructions. The programme comprised presentations from a tube producer, an architect, an engineer, a software supplier, a tube cutting company, a steel construction company, and also Van Leeuwen as a pipe and tube stock-keeping company. As such, we covered the complete supply chain from design to final construction.

The programme appealed to a large group of people, which led to a full house in Van Leeuwen's headquarters at Zwijndrecht on the day of the seminar. The various aspects of using steel tubes and hollow sections in constructions were presented and discussed, such as cutting and connecting, surface requirements, sustainability, availability, high strength steels and software tools to improve efficiency.

The seminar was concluded with a tour around the Van Leeuwen Zwijndrecht warehouses and a dinner.



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