
"Globally present, locally involved." This is what we regularly tell a new customer, supplier or colleague when we explain what Van Leeuwen stands for. As a company with seventy locations in more than thirty countries, we play a role of significance for customers that operate internationally and are looking for a partner that matches their scope. But also for customers that like to do business with a local specialist and distributor who understands their needs and the local ways of doing business.

In a year that was difficult to predict, we once again broke records in terms of sales, as well as result. The exceptional market conditions helped us in this respect, but our people also worked very hard to accomplish this. Our global company gives us a favorable starting position with our broad product portfolio, knowledge of the business and excellent service delivery, to help our customers realize their goals. And it is our people who, with their efforts and commitment, realize our promise "more than tubes".

International cooperation and innovative entrepreneurship are characteristic of the Van Leeuwen culture. This way our people bring the greatest projects to fruition. This may range from a local project to fit up a new warehouse to a large customer project, in which Van Leeuwen teams work together internationally. In this Annual Book, Van Leeuwen colleagues tell us about the projects they are proud of, how they work and cooperate together in their country and at their specific location, or how they internationally manage to join hands. This way we bring 'local color' and 'international' together for the benefit of our customers.

Peter Rietberg
Chairman of the Management Board

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