Van Leeuwen
Surmont 2

Surmont 2

Surmont is a SAGD (Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage) plant  operated by ConocoPhillips Canada with ownership being a 50/50 joint venture between CPC and Total E&P Canada. Phase 1 of Surmont began oil production in 2007 with a capacity of 27,000 bpd.  Surmont 2 is an expansion with a design capacity of 109,000 bpd, bringing the total production to 136,000 bpd.When complete, Phase 2 will be the largest SAGD production facility ever built in a single phase. Construction on Phase 2 began in 2010 with first oil production expected to commence in 2015.

Bantrel Co., an affiliate of Bechtel Corporation, was awarded the EPC phase for the entire Surmont 2 project with Bantrel Management Services overseeing the construction of the facility.  In September 2010, Bantrel awarded Van Leeuwen Canada the supply of all carbon steel pipe (SMLS, Welded, High Yield and Specialty) for the construction of the facility.  The pipe is utilized in spool fabrication, module assembly, field pipelines and site installation.  In addition to supplying pipe, Van Leeuwen’s services included logistics management, pipe and pipe bend coating, quality assurance and documentation.

Van Leeuwen Canada developed a dedicated team to execute Surmont 2 encompassing management, procurement, expediting, quality assurance and operations.  Material was sourced and procured from manufacturers in numerous countries including Canada, USA, Western Europe, and Asia.  For urgent requirements, Van Leeuwen Canada was able to supply from stock as inventory material met all of the specialized project requirements.  The project team utilized several local marshalling facilities with material distributed to fabrication facilities, modular assembly yards and the project site.   The first delivery of material began in early 2011 with expected completion by the end of 2013.  To date, Van Leeuwen has supplied over 38,000 MT of material for the Surmont 2 project.

Project details

Client/Project Owner
Conoco Phillips Canada / Total E&P Canada
Bantrel Co.
North America
Project name
Surmont 2
Carbon steel pipes
> $10.000.000



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