'The webshop has almost doubled its tonnage.'

The Wauters webshop
The Wauters webshop went live in 2017. A success story, because the tonnage of the online orders almost doubled between the end of 2017 and the end of 2018. At the beginning we primarily encouraged customers in the Equipment Manufacturing segment to use the online ordering service for smaller orders. Over the past two years some of these customers also increased the orders they placed with Wauters. The convenience of the webshop definitely played a role in this. We make existing customers aware of the existence of the webshop through monthly e-mail marketing.

Nadia Chhiti, Commercial Director Van Leeuwen Belgium: ‘Following each promotion, the number of visitors, new webshop customers and orders has increased significantly. In 2019, Wauters will begin working on developing online tools that provide access to invoice details, the status of orders and a Certificates Portal. We maintain contact with customers and suppliers via LinkedIn. We post photos, videos and blogs; sometimes with technical content, sometimes with social content. The photos of our large export orders are very popular, but our initiative to collect toys for children’s hospitals also reached a large number of people. Export customers and future customers contact us via LinkedIn. For example, recently we negotiated an order for the export of 65 metric tons of material to India via our LinkedIn page.’

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