Report on 2018

The 2018 result of the Van Leeuwen Pipe and Tube Group further improved as compared to the previous year. Market circumstances and economic activity were favorable in most business segments. Van Leeuwen invested in distribution and service facilities and in innovative solutions for the customer. The network was expanded with an acquisition in Germany. Project teams throughout the world are now managed centrally by our Global Project Organization.

Van Leeuwen’s turnover amounted to € 630 million, an increase of 3% compared to 2017. The operating result improved with 9% and amounted to € 13.5 million (2017: € 12.4 million). The net result increased significantly to € 9.7 million (2017: € 6.3 million). Solvency remains strong at 44%. At the end of the year, the order book was at an unprecedented level.

Economic trends in the first half of 2018 were very favorable across the world. As a result, market prices increased significantly.

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The strong market demand at the beginning of 2018 caused a strong upward pressure on prices. Delivery times were getting longer and stocks in the trade sector increased.

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To be close to our customers as a distribution partner, we are constantly working on strengthening and expanding our network.

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The Van Leeuwen Pipe and Tube Group’s consolidated sales were € 630 million, an increase of 3% compared to the previous year.

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To achieve our strategic objectives we rely on a large team of professional and motivated employees, a high number with many years of experience and others with a youthful spirit and innovative strength. 

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We expect the price developments for some key product categories to be less favorable in 2019. In addition, economic growth in Europe seems to slow down.

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