Financial Results

Van Leeuwen’s turnover amounted to € 630 million, an increase of 3% compared to 2017. The operating result improved with 9% and amounted to € 13.5 million (2017: € 12.4 million). The net result increased significantly to € 9.7 million (2017: € 6.3 million). Solvency remains strong at 44%. At the end of the year, the order book was at an unprecedented level.
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The 2018 result of the Van Leeuwen Pipe and Tube Group further improved as compared to the previous year. Market circumstances and economic activity were favorable in most business segments.
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Van Leeuwen in 2018: from large order to acquisition, from seminar to robot arm.
Read moreInnovate
Innovate: to introduce as new; to effect a change in; to do something in a new way; to introduce changes and new ideas; organize, launch, invent, unveil, initiate, admit, plan, install, found, establish, start, present, spawn, evolve, develop, conceive, discover, produce, hatch, spark.
Read moreOperations & QSE

By investing in digitization, automation, process improvements and in people, we further enhance the services we offer our customers. Besides, this also increases our supply reliability and enables us to even better comply with the strict requirements our customers demand from us.
Read moreHuman Resources

In branches throughout the world, our employees work hard each and every day to provide the best possible service to our customers. With their local knowledge and expertise, our employees help both our customers and our company forward. Our employees are people who see and grasp opportunities and look well beyond the interests of their own operating company.
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