Ineke Dezentjé Hamming-Bluemink

Ineke Dezentjé Hamming-Bluemink is chairperson of the FME, the employers’ organization for the technology industry in the Netherlands. Prior to this she was member of the Dutch House of Representatives (2003-2011) and Director of the Rotterdam Port Promotion Council. She also worked for several years as Head Public Relations & Advertising with the Van Leeuwen Pipe and Tube Group. FME mobilizes and connects companies in the technology industry.

‘I know Van Leeuwen to be a gem among family businesses and suppliers to the technology industry. This is evident when you visit the company and speak with its employees. The atmosphere is good, employees are motivated and committed, and management always looks ahead and responds to new developments well in advance. These characteristics make Van Leeuwen a strong player on the market.

There are many developments that Van Leeuwen will have to (continue to) take into account over the coming years. The ever-increasing digitization will act as a driver for technological innovations and for greater efficiency in business operations. I also expect to see an increase in the use of robots. The energy transition will lead to the development of new plants and new materials. Governments and companies are massively investing in more sustainable production methods and materials. That also creates new opportunities for Van Leeuwen.

Continue to innovate and seize new opportunities is my advice to Van Leeuwen. As much as possible work on new solutions with suppliers and customers, in other words within the chain. With its in-house knowledge and experience, Van Leeuwen is in a position to continue to fully exploit this connecting role throughout the world. Just like most Dutch companies in the technological industry, Van Leeuwen’s major strength lies in its excellent innovation and knowledge base. As an exporting country we especially reap the fruits from this internationally. To strengthen this role it is therefore important to continue to expand this excellent base.’