Outlook on Operations

Optimal logistics and distribution form the backbone of our service. We have the in-house expertise required to ensure that materials arrive at the right place at the right time from our
25 warehouses throughout the world. Over the coming years we will have opportunities to provide our customers with even faster and better services on the basis of efficient stock management and transport. Innovative technologies, such as robots, are a key catalyst in this respect.

André de Jong,
Manager Operations, Van Leeuwen Zwijndrecht, the Netherlands

André de Jong is Manager Operations at Van Leeuwen Zwijndrecht in the Netherlands. He spends a great deal of his time improving logistics processes. For example, a new track & trace program. ‘Looking ahead, I can see that due to technological innovations and the further implementation of LEAN, we are able to continuously make improvements and to elevate quality to a higher level.’

‘A fresh look is always good. This is why, in 2017, we contracted an external consultancy firm to investigate for us how to create logistics processes that are even more efficient. Because we have subsequently improved the quality of our processes, faster delivery has become easier and we can therefore serve customers better. On the basis of our customers’ wishes, we are continuously reviewing how to make our logistics processes more flexible and efficient.

We also invested in a separate projects department in the warehouse. All project-related activities now occur in the same place: storage, treatments, inspections, stamping and packaging. This enables us to do everything the customer wants us to do with increased speed and flexibility.

In addition, we acquired a Hi-Racker and two new forklift trucks. These new vehicles make order-picking in our components department easier and more pleasant for employees. In addition, they make our service more efficient.

What are our future opportunities? Due to technological innovations we can further optimize our logistics processes throughout the world. For example, Van Leeuwen Czech Republic has expanded her sawing capacity and possibilities, facilitating a faster sawing process and faster deliveries. In 2018 this branch will also start working with a robot arm. The robot arm automatically moves vulnerable treated products from the cutting machine to the storage boxes. Step-by-step, robots will also take over such tasks in other Van Leeuwen branches.

Because of the implementation of LEAN methodologies, customer-oriented thinking and the specific application of process automation, we are also better equipped in creating value for the customer and eliminating wastage in logistics processes. This too will certainly
help us to move forward.’

Koen Kubben,
Operations Manager,
Wauters, Belgium

‘Generally, we deliver within 24 hours and sometimes even faster.'

‘At Wauters we are closely working together in the area of transport with Van Moer, an external logistics services provider. This is a successful partnership with perfectly satisfactory results. Together we are able to quickly respond to customer demands and to deliver the required materials with very short lead times. Generally, we deliver within 24 hours and sometimes even faster. With this speed and reliability we will be able to continue to differentiate ourselves in the future and generate customer loyalty. This remains one of our strongest assets.

Our opportunities relate to digitization and automation. For Van Leeuwen these are the key words for the coming years as far as improving and accelerating distribution are concerned. This is where the greatest growth potential for us lies. In addition, the demand for customized work in our warehouse is increasing. Wauters has a great deal to offer on that front as well. With our extensive product portfolio
of bright steel, carbon steel, tool steel, cementation steel, heat-treatable steel and spring steel, and our extensive cutting facilities, we are able to meet virtually all wishes of our customers in various branches of industry. In short, I view the future in a positive light.’

Eugene Nah,
Operations Manager,
Van Leeuwen Singapore

‘Thanks to OHSAS 18001 we are able to demonstrate that we also have things in order as far as our working conditions are concerned.’

‘From our location we serve the Southeast Asia region with a total of approximately seventy employees. ExxonMobil is one of our largest customers. In Singapore, we are one of the main suppliers for ExxonMobil to deliver pipes, fittings and flanges for maintenance and repair works at their sites. For example, in the beginning of 2017, we were involved in a large turnaround project for which we were able to deliver all required pipe materials on time. ExxonMobil was satisfied with our performance and therefore so were we.

We work hard on the reliable and fast delivery of our products. Competition is challenging in Asia, and speed and reliability continue to be key areas in which to differentiate yourself.

When I started working here two years ago, our Singapore office delivery performance was less than 60 percent. We managed to realize a significant improvement to 80-90 percent till date.

In addition, I am observing that some customers in our region are increasingly asking for quality and safety certificates. The international OHSAS 18001 certificate we earned in 2017, enables us to demonstrate that we have things in order as far as working conditions in our warehouse and for our transport services are concerned.’