Project Management

René Viskil,
Project Manager Energy,
Van Leeuwen Zwijndrecht, the Netherlands

‘As project manager, I am involved in a project from a to z and I keep myself busy with all of its aspects,’ René Viskil, Project Manager at Van Leeuwen Zwijndrecht, tells us. ‘This is why I like doing my work as much as I do. It gives me a great deal of satisfaction when we can offer a package of products and services to the customer that is as complete and fitting as possible. In addition to our reliability on all fronts, this is where Van Leeuwen’s strength lies.’

‘The phrase, “Unfortunately we do not have that or we are unable to do this” does not really occur at Van Leeuwen. Our answer is always the same: we will see how we can make the necessary arrangements. When a customer requires a special product that we do not have in stock, we make the necessary arrangements via our network and make sure that we can supply it. But our supplementary service has no limits either. For example, our customer Air Products, an international company in industrial gases and chemicals, engaged us for the Jazan Project in Saudi Arabia. In Jazan, the state oil company, Saudi Aramco, is constructing a refinery, a maritime terminal and an electrical power plant. Van Leeuwen already was a well-known party to Air Products. Our local branches in the Middle East, experience and a network of mills were decisive in acquiring this project.

Furthermore, we had a solution for the logistics challenge: the transport by truck from the United Arab Emirates right through the desert to Jazan, including all customs formalities. The organization of a logistics road transport on this scale had never been attempted before in this region. With the efforts of our colleagues in Dubai, a reliable mill and carrier we succeeded in facilitating the entire process from production to on-site delivery. A feat for which we received an ‘excellent performance’ rating. In the meantime, followup orders have been booked.

Van Leeuwen does not trade in a unique product, but manages to create customer loyalty through means of its unique service. We are always up for the challenge and find a fitting solution to any problem. In addition, we develop long-term relationships of trust with customers and realize the value of this. These relations and contacts with customers are used in support of new requests. This enables us to share and apply our experiences to new projects. For the customer it does not matter where he enters into business with Van Leeuwen; the knowledge about his business is present everywhere. The result is a fitting proposal in which we advise the customer how things can be done more efficiently, better and cheaper.’

'Our strength lies in our
ability to anticipate, our
flexibility and in our refusal
to shrink from any challenge.'​

Margaux Nouzille,
Manager Backoffice and Project Manager
Van Leeuwen France


‘To succeed in project management you must anticipate and you must be flexible. The customer does not have to adapt to us; we adapt to the customer. Since 2010, we have been supplying custom-made pipes, fittings and components to General Electric and since 2012, we have been doing so under a framework contract. Three years ago we succeeded in moving from being supplier number three to becoming supplier number one, by optimally aligning our services to General Electric’s complex needs.

For example, in the past the project management services were provided from our branch in Le Havre, but General Electric asked us to relocate these services to Meyzieu, close to our logistics department and close to the materials themselves. After receiving training from our project team in Le Havre, Florence Gonin in our logistics department in Meyzieu took over the project implementation role. As a result we are able to serve this customer even more efficiently, and communication runs even more smoothly now. Not only our tight, global network makes Van Leeuwen a strong partner for international projects, but also our reputation that we do not shrink from any challenge. An example is the construction of the fifth LNG storage tank and the associated process installations at the LNG terminal of Fluxys LNG in Zeebrugge, Belgium. Fluxys called on the Spanish engineering firm Duro Felguera for this purpose. The implementation of the project has been entrusted to Van Leeuwen France. This means that the work has to be managed in three countries at the same time. Van Leeuwen knows how to successfully manage complex projects like this.’

'By means of our project
management system, we can
provide the customer with a
comprehensive overview of
the project at any time.'

Henriett Madacsi,
Project Manager
Van Leeuwen Zwijndrecht
the Netherlands


‘In the ten years that I have been working for Van Leeuwen, we have grown into a company that, for all projects, small to large, and throughout the world, can offer a comprehensive package. We ensure the same required quality throughout the world in this respect. An example is the RAHC (Rotterdam Advanced Hydro Cracker) project that we have been supplying for the engineering firm Fluor, with ExxonMobil as the endcustomer. In the meantime, our project team has prepared more than five thousand order lines to make sure that the materials are delivered at the right time at the right location in accordance with the project specifications established in the Global Agreement with ExxonMobil.

The pipes and components for this project are stored at a dedicated location in our warehouse and are labeled with a color code for each destination, so that the inspection process and loading can proceed fast and efficiently. Due to our close contacts with the suppliers and the use of different tools, such as a detailed project database, we can provide the customer with a comprehensive overview of the project at any time. In addition, we use our stock of semi-finished goods that we treat in our machine shop for this project. Finally, it is reassuring for the customer to know that we are ready 24/7 and work with the customer to contribute ideas in case of changes in the order or destinations, and urgent orders.’