
Van Leeuwen Red, a fresh yet warm color, refers to emotion, warmth and humanity. It shows our origin and tradition as a family-owned company. The clear marine blue in the shield is associated with rationality, technology and professionalism. The marine with the chrome rim refers to technological development in the energy and industry markets and to the professional attitude that is requested in these markets.

Strictly defined

All colors are strictly defined and have been translated to various color spaces for different applications.


 Hex: #A8052C
 RGB: R165 G18 B47

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 RGB: R255 G255 B255

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 Dark blue

 Hex: #180F5E
 RGB: R24 G15 B94

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 Light Blue

 Hex: #0077C0
 RGB: R0 G119 B192

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 Hex: #000000
 RGB: R0 G0 B0

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 Hex: #A7A9AC
 RGB: R167 G169 B172

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