Identity Van Leeuwen

The Van Leeuwen Pipe and Tube Group is an industrial service provider specialized in the supply of steel pipes and pipe and tube products. We have a leading position in this sector and serve a wide variety of customer groups across the world, with a global logistical distribution network managed by international teams of specialists. Our assortment of pipe and tube products is very wide-ranging, of high quality, functional, and can be applied for specific purposes in a range of industries.

Our customers’ demands, their processes and the developments in those processes have top priority in our services and logistical support. We are continually updating service concepts and adding value in response to the various requirements of our business relations. Van Leeuwen places more emphasis on continuity in the long term and durable partnerships with customers than on short-term gains.

From multi-branded to single-branded strategy

The Van Leeuwen Pipe and Tube Group internationally has a large number of different company names and previously also a large number of different company trademarks. Although we are conscious of the fact that we are dealing with names that have been carefully established in the course of many years, we still need to rationalize our brand. We decided to build a strong brand with ‘Van Leeuwen’ as the leading name in the basic trademark.

Teuling and Wauters operate as Van Leeuwen companies under their own name and logo. Their manuals provide guidelines for the use of their specific logo.

Van Leeuwen. One company, one brand.

To face our present and future challenges as a worldwide company, Van Leeuwen developed a corporate story and a new trademark, based on the company strategy.

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Van Leeuwen is proud of its products, its roots and of the pioneering spirit that has driven our family business since 1924.

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