Van Leeuwen
Van Leeuwen Zwijndrecht supplies for Pandasia

Van Leeuwen Zwijndrecht supplies for Pandasia

Ouwehands Zoo started building the project ‘Pandasia’. The Steel Constructions team of Van Leeuwen Zwijndrecht supplies the welded tubes in the S355 J2H quality.

Ouwehands Zoo started building the project ‘Pandasia’. The Steel Constructions team of Van Leeuwen Zwijndrecht supplies the welded tubes in the S355 J2H quality.

This enclosure for giant pandas is part of a larger Asian habitat, which will provide accommodation for a number of Asian species. The whole area covers around 9,000 m², of which 3,400 m² is reserved for the giant panda enclosure. The building consists of two parts: a separate indoor area and outdoor area for the male and female pandas.

More information on the website of Ouwehands Zoo.



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