Van Leeuwen
Finally I could continue, continue with my life

Finally I could continue, continue with my life

Fidaa MozherFidaa Mozher,
Van Leeuwen Pipe and Tube, Zwijndrecht

In September 2015 I arrived in the Netherlands. After fleeing from Syria during almost two weeks I was finally here. I registered with the asylum seekers' centre and from that moment my life started in the Netherlands. I spent nine months in various asylum centers when I was told that I could live in the municipality of Dordrecht. I was happy, finally I could continue, continue with my life.

Once I arrived in Dordrecht, I was registered as refugee worker with the Refugee Council (Vluchtelingenwerk) where I was supervised for a few months. Everything went well and in August 2016 I could finally start my integration course. In the meantime I worked as a volunteer at the animal ambulance and later at the animal shelter so that I made myself useful during the integration period. After an intake exam I was advised to take the state exam. In good spirits I started learning the Dutch language and from the first moment I knew that I wanted to obtain the integration diploma quickly. I wanted to learn the language, because without the language there would be no work. And I wanted to work, like I always have done in Syria. More than a year later, I was told by the teacher that I could schedule my integration exams, and of course I did all of that at the same time. Fortunately I succeeded in one go.

Again I was a step further. While I had already started to orientate on work after taking the exams, I could now really get started. I first had to find a job and I searched for work through various job sites. I was interested in logistics. On the website of an employment agency I saw a vacancy of order picker. I sent an email with information about myself, where I come from, my experience and of course my motivation. The same day I received a positive response. I was invited to meet with them to get acquainted.

The conversation went well and a week later I could already start, start at Van Leeuwen. I was so happy that my first job application had turned out so positively and that I could just go to work! Earning my own money, but also using my qualities and experience. Working as an order picker went well. One week early shifts and the other week late shifts. It took some time getting used to, but it was all worth it. A hard-working team of people who daily pick the various tubes of various sizes from the huge warehouse. I got the rhythm and with time I wanted to learn more, to be able to do more. I took advantage of the possibilities within Van Leeuwen.

When it became known in December 2018 that there was a job opening for a new foreman, I saw my chance. In January 2019 I started in my new position. To date, working as a foreman is very satisfying and every day is a new challenge. I learn a lot of new things, have other tasks and activities and together with my team, I achieve a lot. Motivating the employees, achieving the goals and closing the door behind me without any backlogs gives me a lot of satisfaction.



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