Van Leeuwen
Product sheets Precision Products

Product sheets Precision Products

Our product sheets per product category can be found below:

Chrome plated tubes
Cold drawn seamless precision tube according to EN 10305-1      
Cold drawn welded precision tube according to EN 10305-3      
4 Hydraulic line pipe      
   Hydraulic line pipe carbon steel      
   Hydraulic line pipe stainless steel     
5 Cylinder tubes
   Cylinder tubes stainless steel
   Various cylinder tubes
Bar steel       
Hot rolled, drawn, peeled and ground barsteel (leaflet)    
Explanation chrome plated bars and tubes
3 Hard chrome plated bar steel      
 -   Hard chrome plated bar steel AISI 329      
 -   Hard chrome plated bar steel AISI 431  
 -   Hard chrome plated bar steel AISI 431 chrome layer > 50 Mu
 -   Hard chrome plated bar steel Cromax 280X/20MnV6 en C45E      
 -   Hard chrome plated bar steel Cromax 327/42CrM04V      
 -   Hard chrome plated bar steel Cromax 482      
Nickel chrome plated bar steel     





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